Deleting my Dad :( :( :(
In both instances, I missed the finality of throwing dirt on my parents' coffins.
When my mother died, reality "hit" when I was waiting outside the sanctuary to be invited in after L'cha Dodi with the traditional "May The Place comfort you . . . "
When my father died, reality "hit" the first time I said Birkat HaMazon/Grace after Meals following his death and realized that I couldn't pray for a blessing for Avi Mori, My Father, My Teacher, anymore.
And deleting my father's name from my cholim/mi-sheh-berach list, the list of ill family and friends for whom I pray during the weekday Amidah prayer and at Torah readings, wasn't any easier than deleting my mother's name had been. :(
It is very much those changes in habit that making the realities of our losses so much more real and personal to us.
Wishing you and your family comfort during this season.
Thanks, Kathy. Indeed, this kind of change in habit can be tough to get used to.
Someone I had worked with (and had a very positive interaction with) passed away from a sudden illness about 3 years ago. I still cannot bring myself to erase her email from my address book and I still want to give divrei torah in honour of her memory. I still miss her when her name pops up in my email program's auto-correct function.
While I have accepted her death, I am grateful that we all had her to remember and I am grateful that I got to know her. Yehi zichronam baruch. (may their memories be for a blessing)
Someone I remotely knew socially passed away a few years ago, we were Facebook friends. A slew of condolence messages flew across my screen, I didn't want to defriend at the time, and left it. On her birthday, it's a bit weird to get a birthday notice, and even weirder to see pictures of her family and friends tagging them in pictures at the cross they put up along the highway, things like that. In the digital age, it's very surreal how people can live on and serve as reminders.
I haven't quite advanced to the Facebook age, but I imagine that occurrences like that take some getting used to.
Shira, I'm very sorry for your loss.
For me, even after 15 years, I still have the urge to pick up the phone and call my mother when there's something interesting to report. And I can't delete names from my old address book, either.
Thank you for your kind words, Shoshana. It isn't easy.
So sorry, Shira. I lost my grandmother a few years ago and it was difficult for all of us. May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion.
Talia, thank you for your kind thoughts. Losing a loved one is always difficult.
May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
Woodrow, thank you for your kind words.
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